hey again.
if you've decided to follow this blog, i'm very sorry.
I guess lets start with a few things before I begin my rant.
1) I think i'm planning on blogging on Sundays. I guess if I feel like it i'll blog on other days but you can always count on one post a week on Sunday.
2) Weekly recap:
- so it was my first full week in my classroom. I loved every minute of it.
- I have had at least three breakdowns this week. probably more but I can't remember.
- I took my class caroling at a nursing home and it was just as precious as it sounds. I had such a blast.
- I am down a pants size since starting work there. i'm personally impressed.
I believe that's it. On to my rant. (because I can't afford a therapist)
A) Please explain to me how it's okay to ignore your girlfriend when she says "I miss you. do you want to hang out tomorrow?"
I mean like seriously, that shit really hurt my feelings. I'm so hurt. I don't know if I even have a right to get mad but i'm feeling pain and I just feel like he doesn't notice. He doesn't kiss me as often as he used to. I miss feeling like i'm his number one priority. And I understand that we as a couple are extremely busy right now, and we aren't in that 'puppy love' stage of our relationship. This is where it gets hard. I love him with my entire soul but sometimes I wonder if he feels that intensity for me? Maybe that's insecurity getting the best of me? i'm not sure.
B) My mother is essentially monitoring my calorie intake... and it's really hurting my feelings. She tells me what I can or cannot eat. She tells me how much to have. And I never asked for any of this. I don't want her help anymore. She wonders why I keep my feelings hidden from her? Maybe if she didn't try to keep me under her thumb I would feel comfortable sharing my world with her, but i'm not.
Anyways help is really needed with both of these situations so if you can help, your comments are welcome and if you have questions you can ask in the comments.
Thank you for being a part of my journey.
- Meagan
if you've decided to follow this blog, i'm very sorry.
I guess lets start with a few things before I begin my rant.
1) I think i'm planning on blogging on Sundays. I guess if I feel like it i'll blog on other days but you can always count on one post a week on Sunday.
2) Weekly recap:
- so it was my first full week in my classroom. I loved every minute of it.
- I have had at least three breakdowns this week. probably more but I can't remember.
- I took my class caroling at a nursing home and it was just as precious as it sounds. I had such a blast.
- I am down a pants size since starting work there. i'm personally impressed.
I believe that's it. On to my rant. (because I can't afford a therapist)
A) Please explain to me how it's okay to ignore your girlfriend when she says "I miss you. do you want to hang out tomorrow?"
I mean like seriously, that shit really hurt my feelings. I'm so hurt. I don't know if I even have a right to get mad but i'm feeling pain and I just feel like he doesn't notice. He doesn't kiss me as often as he used to. I miss feeling like i'm his number one priority. And I understand that we as a couple are extremely busy right now, and we aren't in that 'puppy love' stage of our relationship. This is where it gets hard. I love him with my entire soul but sometimes I wonder if he feels that intensity for me? Maybe that's insecurity getting the best of me? i'm not sure.
B) My mother is essentially monitoring my calorie intake... and it's really hurting my feelings. She tells me what I can or cannot eat. She tells me how much to have. And I never asked for any of this. I don't want her help anymore. She wonders why I keep my feelings hidden from her? Maybe if she didn't try to keep me under her thumb I would feel comfortable sharing my world with her, but i'm not.
Anyways help is really needed with both of these situations so if you can help, your comments are welcome and if you have questions you can ask in the comments.
Thank you for being a part of my journey.
- Meagan
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